The Ai-Driven Leader
Client: Geoff Woods
Task: Create a bespoke page layout from scratch. The author chose not to use any of my templates and we started fresh.
This book had it all: illustrations, bullet lists, numbered lists, pull quotes, scannable QR codes, prompts, part separators, a big appendix, AND custom pencil underlines.
As far as interior layouts go, this was a larger than normal undertaking.
Length: 294 pages
As with all interiors, the initial, over-arching task here was to ensure that the beautiful cover design established on the front was thoughtfully carried out along each page of the interior.
Geoff’s cover was designed by the great Pete Garceau and I took care to use Pete’s dots and font choices throughout.

The book is broken up into 3 Parts. We made these pages a darker gray so that they stood out and so the reader could flip to each part easily.
I used the cover art to create new dot artwork.

Each chapter opened with a dedicated, full-page spread.

This book featured Ai-prompts, pull quotes, scannable QR codes, pencil underlines, and actionable steps, all of which are displayed in this two-page spread.

Each chapter ended with a chapter summary. I made these pages a light colored gray so that readers could access the summaries quickly.

Geoff hired an illustrator to create dozens of custom illustrations. It was my job to place these appropriately.
Another thing that made this book utterly unique was the addition of pencil underlines. We used these underlines to call out important quotes. I made the underlines myself. You can see these underlines scattered throughout.

Here are examples of various numbered lists.

“Zoe, Thank you for making this book what it is. I have received so many compliments on the design. You made my vision a reality!”